FDR Wrestling

Booster Club

The FDR Wrestling Team Booster Club is a tight knit group of parents dedicated to ensuring every possible opportunity is available for our team.
Through fundraising, concession sales and hours of hard work, we are able to provide equipment, meals for travel meets, and just about anything else our wrestlers and coaches need to stay focused on the mission of achieving.

The FDR Booster Club is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

Visit the Booster Club Facebook page at:

For more information about the FDR Booster Club, please email:




This team serves as an extended family for its members. We laugh and cry, win and lose TOGETHER every season.


Membership is by choice, but PARTICIPATION, DEDICATION and EFFORT are mandatory.


Whether it's winning a State title or scoring thier first point in competition, our wrestlers will always strive to achieve every time they step onto the mat.